About Us
WV Vent was established by NV Vent and Wessman Energi & Brunnsborrning with the main purpose of bringing energy efficient ventilation solutions to the Scandinavian people. In cooperation with Edmonds, the world leader in wind driven and hybrid ventilation products, we have brought a range of products to Scandinavia which will not only save you money, but will also improve your in home environment, all with little to no impact on the earth’s environment.
Edmonds have been researching and manufacturing ventilation products for over 75 years. During this time they have sold their Australian made products all over the world, and built up an extensive amount of technical expertise, backed up by their own and independent testing, to rival any private company around the world. Now finally with the help of NV Vent this innovative technology is available here in Scandinavia. Here at WV Vent we pride ourselves in bringing you the best technology with little to no impact on our environment, saving you money and our planet.